Fully 80% of the honey consumed in this country is imported. Vietnam and India make up half of what’s sent to the U.S. How much of that is Chinese is a matter of discussion, but even if none of it is, the quality of the honeys from both of these countries no way compares to the many, many quality honeys produced right here in the U. S. This is a GOLDEN opportunity for U. S. honey producer/packers to capture a greater market share when selling LOCAL honey, and learning how to capitalize on the quality aspect of that fact. As a result of this we are beefing up the marketing aspect of our program to focus on producing the best product possible, making sure it stays that way in the processing and getting the word out on the care and quality a LOCAL honey has.

With that in mind, so far our speakers include Dan Conlon, Warm Colors Apiaries, Massachusetts; Bob Binnie, Blue Ridge Honey Company, Georgia; Dave Shenefield, Clover Blossom Honey, Indiana; Steve Conlon, ThistleDew Honey, West Virginia; Roger Stark, Howalt-McDowell Insurance, South Dakota, Joann Dunlevey RS, Food Safety Specialist, Ohio Dept. of Ag; and if possible a Representative of The FDA. Because of this new slant, other speakers are firming up travel plans and will be announced as they become known.

This well rounded group has all aspects of this topic well covered. US Producers, Packers, Producer/Packers, Insurance and Risk Brokers, Marketing, and all the new Food Safety rules and regulations.

Unfortunately, missing from this discussion will be the National Honey Board, the marketing arm of the honey industry, and so far those large packers and importers who have chosen to have their annual meeting on the same weekend. The coincidence has not gone unnoticed. The focus of this event will remain on promoting and informing ambitious US Honey Producers and Packers of US Honey.

New this year will be a Friday Night Social held in Bee Culture’s Conference Center, the location of the Two day Conference on Saturday and Sunday. It’s a low-key, meet and greet with the speakers and attendees from 5pm to 7pm on Friday where you can pick up your folders with speaker profiles, conference agenda, and lots of information on Medina’s dining and shopping opportunities. Supper afterwards is on your own but you’ll have plenty of places to choose from, and lots of people to join with.

Tuition is $150 per person which includes the Friday night social and classes and an exceptional lunch on Saturday and Sunday. On line Registration opens March 1, 2016. Hotel and B&B info below.

Friday Night Social, October 21, and classes and lunch Saturday and Sunday October 22 & 23, Bee Culture’s Conference Center, 640 W. Liberty St., Medina, Ohio. Register early.

Mark Your Calendars Now!

October 21, 22 and 23, 2016 at

Bee Culture’s Conference Center

640 West Liberty Street

Medina, Ohio

local honey imported domestic packing packer