Honey-B-Healthy is a feeding stimulant formulated with natural essential oils. Prevents mold and fungus in mixed syrup, boosts immune system, calms bees when sprayed, works to mask pheromones...
The 2.25" round creamed honey label fits our Creamed Honey Tubs perfectly.
The details for the wording of your labels may be entered under "ORDER COMMENTS" at checkout. The box will...
This is an additive to sugar water feeds that will accelerate the buildup of NUCs, packages, swarms and small or weak colonies. Super Plus was developed to make honey bees more receptive to higher...
Our 12 oz. Creamed Honey Tub makes it easy to package your product. Nutritional label information is pre-printed on the back along with weight information. The lids are blank so there is room to add...
These jars are measured in honey weight, not by volume.
Caps are included. Choose unlined plastic or plastisol-lined metal (white or gold).
To effect greater efficiency in shipping charges, we...